Tuesday, September 18, 2007


Want to have some fun the next time you meet a chiropractor?

Ask if he was ever a rock and roll star.


I just discovered this cool interview with Terry Chimes, former drummer with the Clash, one of the most influential bands, EVER.
Timeless songs like London Calling and Should I Stay or Should I Go pound with the band's intensity, Chimes "says his hands used to bleed during a show."

But Chimes is using his hands for something a lot less bloody these days: he's a chiropractor and has an alternative therapy business that is becoming one of the biggest in Europe. Wow.
Plus, he's writing a book about health and well-being. Can you imagine what's in it?
I wonder what music he plays at the office?
And I wonder what's next: Keith Richards supplement line? Ringo Starr colonics?

The article's a good read, here's the link:

McDreamy. McSteamy. The hunks on ER. Dr. House. These are people's images of M.D.'s, not an overworked guy stuffed into a white coat getting sneezed on at Walmart.
Chiropractic's image on TV has yet to be portrayed by cool docs, we only have Jon Cryer's character, likeable yes, but many chiropractors are a lot cooler than that.
So I love it when an article comes along that shakes up the typical image of a chiropractor, cause you don't get much cooler than the Clash.

But what I love even more is this from the ex-drummer: "People say how can you prefer treating patients to being on stage in front of 100,000 people? But if you can get someone healthy, there's a satisfaction in that which is much more profound."

I'm with you, Dr. Chimes.

Be Spine Tingling,
Dr. Madeline Behrendt
For information and education only.