Tuesday, September 25, 2007


October magazines have some excellent articles for your reading pleasure: several chiropractors (including yours truly) make an appearance, labor news, fat does funny, and breasts, breasts, and more breasts.

Letters to the Editor
- See Dr. Madeline's letter about the gorgeous July feature "Fade to Back."

-Is Your Handbag Killing You?
- Includes comments from NYC chiropractor Dr. Isis M. Medina. The trend of handbags as villain continues (see NYT "Ouch! My Bag is Killing Me"),
this time the current crop of fashionable handbags are weighed and dissected based on their potential for peril.
-Stay Flexible, Stay Well
This article cites new research on the benefits of yoga related to specific health conditions including: depression, heart disease, breast cancer, menopause, and chronic back pain.
I practice yoga, love it, recommend it, and am excited to see more research being produced on how lifestyle choices, including yoga, can impact health. More please!
-Backstage at Dancing with the Stars
DWTS is my guilty pleasure. I am a devotee, and my blood is racing because the new season kicked off this week with three shows.
This article interviews the top three pros from last season: Julianne Hough, Kym Johnson, and Maksim Chmerkovskiy, and finds out such juicy details as what they eat, how they stretch, and pre-performance rituals. It's fun, check it out.

Labor of Love
by Catherine Gutherie
Great article on something I am a big fan of (and recommend regularly): prenatal yoga.
Pregnant women will enjoy this article, it offers details, insight, and community about changes and choices during the experience of pregnancy.

On the Limits of Self-Improvement
, Part I by Christopher Hitchens
If you want to lose weight through laughing, check out this article, complete with photograhic evidence. Really, if he go through a makeover, anybody can.
Part 2 is upcoming, the teaser promises "cold-turkey booze withdrawl and ultimate waxing."

Sleep More, Weigh Less by Sara Botton
The only thing missing from this title is chocolate!
Actually, the article is excellent and reminds (or introduces) readers to the importance of sleep.
Sure, everybody knows if they are tired or not, but few realize how critical sleep is to how the body functions, and the disasterous side effects (including extra weight), when sleep needs go unmet.

6) SALON (actually from mid-Sept)
Honey I shrunk my breasts! by R. Jane Gurley
A not-so-well-kept secret around town is that women who experience hot flashes do fabulous under my care. I even met with NIH about doing a research project about it......so much to do, not enough time.
Because I have worked with so many baby boomer women, I am always on the lookout for great articles.....and this one is sure to become a classic. Funny, and ground-breaking, as everyone talks about the rise of breasts, no one talks about the fall(aka menopause).....well, you read it, you'll see.

---Multiple articles on breast cancer: the latest in testing, treatment and news.

Be Spine Tingling,
Dr. Madeline Behrendt
For information and education only.

Monday, September 24, 2007


Feeling stylish?

Be sure to check out Dr. Madeline's appearance in VOGUE magazine, October 2007 issue.

Dr. M's passion for gorgeous spines and fashion inspired a Letter to the Editor and you can find it in "Back Talk" - it's the first one.

The letter offers comments about the July 2007 feature "Fade to Back," which profiled fashions that highlighted the back of a woman's body, a view chiropractors are very familiar with.......
An excerpt: "This feature displays great style with spinal intrigue..."

It's a thrill to be in VOGUE. Enjoy!

Be Spine Tingling,
Dr. Madeline Behrendt
For information and education only.

Wednesday, September 19, 2007


Chiropractic has taught me to take great care of my spine, so I don't let anyone mess around with it. Nobody twists or pounds me, and no ink. But that's me.

More and more often these days, when I prepare a client for a surface EMG scan, the spine I'm working on is covered in art.
Tattoos now cover one-quarter of Americans ages 18 to 50, and nearly 20% of the women have tattoos on their lower back (J. American Academy of Dermatology- 2006).

Having survived a variety of controversies over their lifespan, tattoos are now the focus of doctors connected to labor, as the newest controversy is about whether they affect the safety of epidurals (a needle filled with painkillers that is applied to the low back during labor).

The focus of concern is the ink - on whether a needle inserted into the tattoo will pull some ink with it and get inside the body, possibly irritating nerves and stimulating inflamation, or worse.

The Wall Street Journal published a story on this Tuesday 9/18/07 (Why Some Expectant Moms Are Worried About Tattoos), and cited small, early negative research that had expectants moms lighting up blogs and asking for information. They also reported that "the national epidural rate is nearly 65% of the four million births a year in the U.S." - which could make this an issue that affects a lot of babies.

In the meantime, while there isn't enough formal research on this topic to get any usable information, the FDA, which regulates inks, hasn't "approved" any ink, but has some studies on the way that are evaluating adverse reactions and toxicity.

JEZEBEL picked up this story yesterday and the posted comments raged more about how epidurals don't work than any problems women with tattoos have had with epidurals.

While ink and research studies are being discussed, what about women who still have a choice: women who want to get pregnant, but also want lower back tattoos?
Will tattoos become the new post-pregnancy present?

Be Spine Tingling,
Dr. Madeline Behrendt
For information and education only.

Tuesday, September 18, 2007


Want to have some fun the next time you meet a chiropractor?

Ask if he was ever a rock and roll star.


I just discovered this cool interview with Terry Chimes, former drummer with the Clash, one of the most influential bands, EVER.
Timeless songs like London Calling and Should I Stay or Should I Go pound with the band's intensity, Chimes "says his hands used to bleed during a show."

But Chimes is using his hands for something a lot less bloody these days: he's a chiropractor and has an alternative therapy business that is becoming one of the biggest in Europe. Wow.
Plus, he's writing a book about health and well-being. Can you imagine what's in it?
I wonder what music he plays at the office?
And I wonder what's next: Keith Richards supplement line? Ringo Starr colonics?

The article's a good read, here's the link:

McDreamy. McSteamy. The hunks on ER. Dr. House. These are people's images of M.D.'s, not an overworked guy stuffed into a white coat getting sneezed on at Walmart.
Chiropractic's image on TV has yet to be portrayed by cool docs, we only have Jon Cryer's character, likeable yes, but many chiropractors are a lot cooler than that.
So I love it when an article comes along that shakes up the typical image of a chiropractor, cause you don't get much cooler than the Clash.

But what I love even more is this from the ex-drummer: "People say how can you prefer treating patients to being on stage in front of 100,000 people? But if you can get someone healthy, there's a satisfaction in that which is much more profound."

I'm with you, Dr. Chimes.

Be Spine Tingling,
Dr. Madeline Behrendt
For information and education only.

Sunday, September 16, 2007


Chiropractic is a Virgo.
Analytical. Helpful. Reliable. Precise. Aren't we lucky!

The first chiropractic adjustment was delivered on September 18th, 1895 in Davenport, Iowa by Dr. Daniel David Palmer. The chiropractic community continues to celebrate this occasion every year.

The first chiropractic patient, Harvey Lillard, responded well, regaining his hearing after the adjustment, and delivering the first chiropractic testimonial.

D.D. Palmer applied this first adjustment for the specific intent of realigning a malpositioned vertebra, restoring its normal position. Through the research, writings, and work of both D.D. and his son, B.J., chiropractic grew, and today millions of men, women, and children are helped daily by this natural approach to healing.

The foundations of chiropractic, including Innate Intelligence, Universal Forces, Subluxation, Dis-ease, and Interference, are detailed in "The 33 Principles of Chiropractic."
Principle #6 is one of the key elements of healing, and something I remind clients (and myself) of when appropriate:
The Principle of Time: There is no process that does not require time.

For anyone curious about the other 32 Principles, here's a link:

So many millions of people are being helped by chiropractic, this is a time to celebrate and count blessings: Relief, Relaxation, and Recovery are just some of the benefits of being well-adjusted.
Happy Birthday Chiropractic, many more!

Be Spine Tingling,
Dr. Madeline Behrendt
For education and information only.

Tuesday, September 11, 2007


On a cloudless Tuesday morning six years ago, terrorism altered our world.

Good people in NYC, Washington, D.C., and flying over Pennsylvania responded to this insult,
their actions propelled both history and healing.

Many remember the tremendous spirit of caring that transcended all boundaries and cultural strata. People couldn't give enough blood, food, money, time; the best of so many poured forward.

And then slowly, as time passed and accomplishments were checked off, the energies that had tasted the euphoria of good deeds craved a new outlet, and the most obvious example of energy transformed is the city of New York today.

After 9/11, some businesses and residents wanted to leave NYC and tourists crossed the city off their destination list.
Nothing could be further from reality today.
The city is a star, healed by the response of people to extraordinary circumstances.
Healing looks good in NYC.

Yet in the moments after 9/11 healing was still ahead.
As respite centers were set up to serve the recovery workers, over 1,500 chiropractors from around the country volunteered to provide adjustments. In 'Chiropractic Rescue and the American Tragedy: The Chiropractic Relief Effort at Ground Zero' the NY efforts were profiled in an article I co-authored with Dr. John Przybrylak.
As a way to honor that time and those caught in it, following are some excerpts from experiences in the heart of Ground Zero:

-Workers came because they benefited from the stress release and the ease that they would feel after the adjustment, they would tell their co-workers, and then many more workers came. Groups of police officers stripped their flack jackets off and each dropped a pile of guns at the foot of a chiropractic bench, it was unsettling to see an arsenal of firearms at the foot of an adjusting table. There were some state troopers who wanted to get adjusted but also wanted to keep their Kevlar vests on . They were guessing that my hands could penetrate where bullets couldn't reach.

-Doctors of chiropractic attended at five sites...one ...was just yards away from the debris that was the twin towers. Care was available non-stop around the clock to provide for all the workers, who came on their breaks and after their shifts. The pace was intense, four six-hour shifts daily, with fresh teams of chiropractors coming to replace the previous volunteers...it is estimated that over $1.5 million dollars in services were donated. Chiropractors stood shoulder-to shoulder delivering thousands of adjustments at Ground Zero. ...chiropractic sites were filled to capacity at 3 a.m....chiropractic sites had to be closed by the fire marshall for being too crowded. These five sites were opened .....from September until May 30, 2002, when all recovery work at Ground Zero was completed.

-From Dr. Donna Mutter:
"These brave men and women were so armoured, wrapped in large overalls and boots, and equipped with ropes, lights, guns, knives, cables, hard hats, gloves, and masks. They were covered in dirt and cuts and dust. Their bodies were exhausted from lack of sleep; emotions were raw from so much loss... loss of friends, brothers, and sisters, and from the frustration that no one was coming out alive. Recovering body parts of the dead and a few whole bodies was a living hell. The dust on their cloths and boots contained the ashes of the countless dead...I looked at my hands and realized these hands were touching ashes of the dead."

-New York City Police Commissioner Raymond W. Kelly offered his appreciation:
"Over the course of eight months, close to two million tons of debris were removed from Ground Zero. The chiropractors played an important role in this incredible feat. Your professional treatment of thousands of rescue workers helped all who were involved in the recovery efforts to persevere."

-The chiropractic care that takes place in the field on an emergency site has a different rhythm than what occurs in many chiropractic offices. The assessment is thorough, but shorter, and each worker who came was fully assessed for vertebral subluxations every time because there might be a different doctor adjusting each time. Everyone was sore and pained but the emotional stress was preeminient and fear was present like an unwanted guest...
After getting adjusted, workers found they would be re-vitalized and ready to re-enter the wreckage, able to do their jobs more efficiently. To this day, many of these people and their families continue to be adjusted.

-And final thoughts from then-Mayor Giuliani:
"Last year's coordinated efforts at the World Trade Center site not only helped the rescue and clean up crews, but boosted the morale of New York City. ..Thank you for your ....tireless devotion."

My feelings six years later: healing is the ultimate response.

Be Spine Tingling,
Dr. Madeline Behrendt
For information and education purposes only.

Tuesday, September 04, 2007


Boise has a green gem that I just discovered: Channel 2 news tv.
Green content is featured on the news program, through a TV special, and online.
Aren't we lucky!

I like to visit them online to keep up with the latest and greatest green news:
-have you heard about the Hummer named Ethyl?
-do you know how to make your blue jeans green?
-can you guess what's hot at BSU besides the Broncos?

The site is a tremendous local resource for connecting to partners and Green Source links that really know how to reduce, reuse and recycle.
Thank you Channel 2! This information makes my life easier.

Their Project Green Special, originally shown on tv, also has a video link at the site.
It's cool.....I mean green.....check it all out at:

Always included in my monthly green posting, following is the link to the "Going Green Checklist: 101 Ways to Get Started" tip sheet from Body and Soul magazine:

Each month I add a few more items on the checklist, how about you?
Anyone upto 70 or 80 yet?

Be Spine Tingling,
Dr. Madeline Behrendt
For information and education only.