Friday, June 29, 2007


I love shopping at the Farmer's Market on Saturday mornings.
The flowers, the kids, the samples....
And of course, the food.

My market sells local foods only, with plenty of organic and pesticide-free produce to choose from. Organic is what I buy when I have that choice.

But I don't always have access to organic.
For those times, I whip out the "no-shopping" list I keep in my wallet.
This names the conventional fruits and vegetables that have the highest amounts of pesticide residue. I don't do dirty, so these are foods I choose to avoid.

Following are what's called "The Dirty Dozen":

1) apples
2) cherries
3) grapes (imported)
4) nectarines
5) peaches
6) pears
7) strawberries

1) celery
2) lettuce
3) potatoes
4) sweet bell peppers
5) spinach

Luckily I have other choices - I would even buy frozen organic fruits and vegetables in a pinch.

So I'll stick to enjoying the "Dirty Dozen" on film, and pass on the food.

Be Spine Tingling,
Dr. Madeline Behrendt
For information and education only.
Additional information available from the Environmental Working Group.

Saturday, June 23, 2007


The Mediterranean is one of my favorite places to visit, it is a region that knows how to eat, style, and live.

If you want what they're having, then you'll be buying plenty of one of their best-kept secrets: Oregano.

In the U.S., Oregano doesn't get the props it's sexy cousin Basil does, but this herb packs plenty of appeal and power.

In my remedy cabinet, I keep a bottle of oil of oregano, as do many who love it's apparent effectiveness as an antibacterial, antifungal, and antiparasitic.
Phenols, the active component, are found in higher concentrations in the oil than in the plant's leaves and stems, and people take the oil drops, or oil capsules for health benefits.
I use it during the only times of the year I get symptomatic - the start of air conditioning, and the start of artificial heat --- both are tough on me.

In my kitchen, I love using oregano in meals and I'm sharing a new favorite receipe that is sooooo good I've been making it every week. Enjoy!

Roasted Greek Potates with Oregano, Lemon and Onion
(enough for 4-6 people, depending on level of self-restraint)

-2 pounds large unpeeled russet potatoes, cut in quarters
-2 T good quality extra-virgin olive oil
-2 t dried oregano
-2 large cloves garlic, chopped
-salt, preferably coarse
-freshly ground black pepper, to taste
-1/2 c low-sodium vegetable broth
-1/2 c water, more may be added if necessary
-juice of 1 lemon
- 2 onions (my preference is red) chopped

--Oven should be heated to 450 degrees.
--Lightly oil a large shallow baking dish (potatoes are in one layer only).
--Add the potatoes and onions and drizzle with oil.
--Sprinkle with oregano, garlic, salt and pepper. Toss again.

--Combine liquids (broth, , 1/2 c water, and lemon juice) in a bowl.
--Pour over the potato and onion mixture.
--Roast, uncovered, till golden (about 50 minutes to 1 hour).
--Turn the potatoes and onions while roasting to ensure golden color all around.
--Add water as needed to the mixture.

This delicious dish is inspired by my FAVORITE cookbook for summer vegetables, soups, pasta/grains, and breads: The Mediteranean Vegan Kitchen by Donna Klein. I recommend everyone add this Mediteranean kitchen to their kitchen.

The author suggests serving potato dishes with sandwiches.
I eat it with anything and everything (even breakfast).

Roasted potatoes and onions with lemon and oregano - so good, and so good for me. Yummm!

Be Spine Tingling,
Dr. Madeline Behrendt
For eductational and informational purposes only.
For some more information on oregano's health benefits, visit:

Monday, June 11, 2007


In my family I have one overfed dog, 3 nephews and one niece under 18, 2 brothers, 1 sister, 2 sisters-in-law and my mom scattered among all different environments: ocean, woods, and mountains.

That means each summer I look for products that can cover all ages, species and places.

For a product to pass muster, I look for three key points:
1) As a chiropractor, I want products that are natural.
2) As someone who is fussy and time-starved, I want products that are effective.
3) As an Aunt, I want products that are safe.

The following are my Summer 2007 favorites, check them out.

For me the best way to take care of an insect bite is to avoid it. This approach is especially important if your area is affected by West Nile Virus, as Boise is. I know several people who experienced this virus and it is no way to spend the summer.

My critera:
I look for natural insect repellants to indicate they are DEET-free.
I look for a variety of easy ways to get insect repellant on me and my clothes: sprays, oil,
or towelettes.
-I always test each product on an area first before I apply it to my whole body.
-None of the adult products are recommended for children.

I'll list products below, see their websites if you are interested in more specific information:
1) For Adults
--All Terrain Herbal Armor Insect Repellant - spray, time-released.
They have a great website at
--Oshalhi - an essential oil
--Buzz Away Extreme - towlettes + other products.

2) For Children - I found only one product that is kid-friendly:
--All Terrain Herbal Armor Insect Repellant for Kids
For children 6 months and up, website listed above.

3) For Pets
Safe pet products are really important - for pets, for adults that are around them, and for the kids that roll around with them.
--Ark Naturals Neem Protective Products (Shampoo and Spray).

For me the best way to take care of sunburn is to avoid it. And these days there really is no excuse for being burned, there are too many great products and choices that promote the sun-kissed look.

My criteria:
-For protection, I look for natural products that are mineral based, with ingredients such as
titanium dioxide.
Minerals provide a broad spectrum reflective barrier to protect from UVA + UVB rays.
-For repair of existing sun damage, MyChelle Dermaceuticals has a new product line just for
this concern. Products include apple brightening cleanser, mist, serum, and peel, see
Foundations with high SPF's can be on the light side, so when I want more of a bronze look
I add a few drops of a sheer bronzer (like Dr. Hauschka's) and being both bronze and
protected is as simple as mixing them together.
-Skin cancer is now the most common cancer, striking more than 800,000 annually in
the U.S., and how many people don't have skin cancer but have wrinkles, sun spots, and
discoloration? Applying protection daily is essential for both health and beauty.
-All of the sun products below indicate they are safe for children (most say over 6 months)
there are 2 companies I found that make a natural product just for kids.
-Sun protection should start EARLY, and it's especially important to reapply often to
wet, slippery children.

Products listed below, see their websites for more specific information:
1) For Adults
Mineral based, great product line, includes a variety of SPF's, scents, no scent. See
--Aubrey products
--Badger products
--Nature's Gate products
--Also check your favorite natural cosmetic line, most offer sun products (see Mychelle site above).

2) For Children
Kids Mineral Based Sunscreen, SPF 18, SPF 30+, website listed above
--Nature's Gate SPF 30 for Kids.


The biggest problem I have with drinking water is what to drink it in?

Research is showing more and more problems with plastic bottles and they are now a special concern for pregnant moms. Bisphenol A, found in polycarbonate plastic water containors, is one of the chemicals receiving a strong warning from the world's leading environmental scientists, as evidence grows that human fetuses are "programmed" for diseases by their early environment.

For those interested, the conclusions statement from the May'07 conference on the Human health effects of developmental exposure to environmental toxicants:

Glass and stainless steel present as the safest choices, although neither are ideal for other reasons. I avoid aluminum as there is a debate about how aluminum affects that nervous system.

Following is an excellent article on bottle alternatives:
Water, water everywhere, but not a safe bottle to drink?

--Stainless steel choices
1) Klean Kanteen
2) checkout REI

1) No need to buy a special bottle, just recycle a VOSS water bottle, or any other glass containor.
2) You can now buy "sleeves" for glass bottles, try outdoor stores or local natural food stores.

So this is my summer shopping list for bites, burns and bottles. Off to the store now.........

Be Spine Tingling,
Dr. Madeline Behrendt
For information and education purposes only.

Tuesday, June 05, 2007


So pleads a sign outside my local chocolatier.
EARTH IS THE ONLY PLANET WITH CHOCOLATE ------ that amps up my level of motivation!

This is the first week of the month and time to "reuse" the Green List.
Have you gone green yet?
Here's the link to great tips from Body and Soul magazine:

For my regular readers, how did you do last month?
Like many of you, my green highlight was gardening - I planted flowers in my windowboxes and green looks beautiful.

Now to this month, what can I add????? I'll report in during my July update.

And if you are feeling lazy this month, remember, we are the only planet with chocolate, the only planet with chocolate, the only planet with chocolate.........

Be Spine Tingling,
Dr. Madeline Behrendt